
Nuts are a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids and can help suppress your appetite. The lowest-calorie nuts are almonds, cashews, and pistachios. Choose dry or raw roasted nuts; avoid those that have been packaged or roasted in oil. These oils have unhealthy fats and require high temperatures that destroy nutrients.

Immune System

Aside from plenty of water and good night's rest, there are vitamins that can boost your immune system: Vitamin C in citrus fruit and broccoli, Vitamin E in nuts and whole grains, Zinc in beans and turkey, and omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, tuna, and flaxseed or hempseed oil.

White Foods

Do your best to avoid white flour and white sugar, as they've been stripped of their fibre, vitamins and minerals. This essentially leaves only an empty source of sugar that contributes to weight gain and diabetes.

Types of Fat

Know the difference between beneficial and detrimental fats. While healthy fats that prevent heart disease can be found in olive oil and salmon, other foods made with hydrogenated oils (margarine, cookies, peanut butter) contain trans fat that instead increases the risk.

Salt and Daily Value

When checking out packaged food labels, look for a calories-to-sodium ratio of 1-to-1 or less (in mg). There is a surplus of salt in packaged food that affects your diet; aim for a daily intake of 1500mg. Choose foods with a 20% DV or less on anything carb, sugar, fat, or salt. We generally don't get enough calcium or protein, so don't worry about a high DV as much for them.

Travel Health

Traveling to a location that your system is unfamiliar with? Vitamin A can assist in the battling and prevention of disease. Examples of Vitamin A-rich foods: dairy products, green or yellow vegetables, and mangoes; but be sure to grab a supplement to take with you.

Harvest Season

Take advantage of the harvest of the season. Ripe, fresh vegetables and fruits boast more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Apples, corn, pumpkin, and other squash and roots are autumn harvests.
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